You developed a winning idea that captured the hearts of consumers nationwide. A successful marketing campaign goes viral, and your orders skyrocket. Now what? How do you plan and adapt to handle that growth? In this session, the creators of Mystery Tackle Box (the subscription box that’s blazing the trail for fishermen across the US) will share lessonslearned from challenges along the way, and offer insight into how their order fulfillment was able to support their volume doubling. After their box took off, your presenters supported a rapidly growing customer base (that continuously exceeds their projections by almost 50%) by restructuring their supply chain, implementing a world class inventory system, and adapting to the unique demands of their customers. You will leave this session with ready-to-implement tactics for ensuring that your supply chain is ready to tackle the challenges for which you’ve subscribed. Noah Sange Vice President Business Development, GEODIS Andy Timko Chief Operating Officer, The Catch Company