Whether you want someone to open your email, click on your ad, consume your content or contact your company, words matter. Why? Because in-market tests and scientific studies both confirm that certain words wield more power. And how you word something determines how people respond to it. Gain a lexicon of persuasive words and copy constructs that you can use tomorrow to increase engagement and response. Discover what word removes risk, which one word gets people nodding yes immediately, the best way to talk about prices, the two times jargon can be useful, the surprisingly powerful effect of an unexpected phrase, and so much more. This fast-paced, entertaining, and example-jammed presentation reveals 26 tactics (yes, one for each letter of the alphabet!) that will make you an instant master of persuasion. Backed by research from both here and abroad, these tactics are proven, powerful, and easy to apply. Which means you’ll leave this keynote ready and able to increase the effectiveness of your marcom campaigns.