A Letter to the SubSummit 2019 Attendees from Keynote Presenter, Rich Sheridan (Chief Joy Officer, Menlo Innovations)
Dear SubSummit attendees:
It was such a personal joy for me to bring the lessons of Chief Joy Officer to your Summit in New Orleans. The number of you who chased me down in the aisles of the exhibition area after my talk was a good indication of how hungry you were for this message. I so appreciate your interest, your enthusiasm and the spirit of entrepreneurship that was present at the Summit.
I look forward to keeping in touch with all of you.
If you would like to connect with me, please write me at rsheridan@menloinnovations.
I hope we can stay in touch. I am encouraging my team to continue to have a presence at future SUBTA events as I think our work at Menlo Innovations could be quite helpful to the companies I met with in New Orleans. Whether you’d like to visit for a tour, a workshop about process or culture, or perhaps engage us for a custom software project, we’d love to explore ways to work with folks like you who are pioneering a burgeoning field of e-commerce.
Our 18 years in business has taught us one thing:
Delighting those you serve is good business. In today’s marketplace, that often means delighting them with a great software experience. We’d love to help you do that for those you serve. Feel free to reach out to my team at Menlo to learn what working together could do for your business.
Thanks again for inviting me into your world.